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Lemmy - A More Social Media
Modern Social Media has a problem by prioritizing profit over their user base. As such, Lemmy tries to be a more social and viable alternative for the people. But what even is Lemmy and how does it work? That is what I will be answering with this article.
Don't Trust Brave Search
In this post I go over the various problems Brave search comes with, specifically for a privacy-oriented search engine which also makes some absurd claims. I will voice my concerns and tell you why this isn't a search engine you might want to trust your browsing data and habits with.
How to Make Zsh like Fish
In this guide I go over how you can let zsh have similar features to the fish shell with the help of installing plugins in an easy, simple and fast way.
It's Time to Ditch Spotify
In this post I go over the various privacy and ethical concerns of Spotify, such as artists being unfairly paid, how you are tracked and your data being farmed. I also offer some possible alternatives that address these issues and which may improve your music listening experience!